Little Hotties Hand Warmers x4 pkts
$7.96 $6.00
4 pkts for price of 3 … RRP $1.99 a pkt of 1 pair
Stock up yourself or treat your team!
Little Hotties® warmers are single use heat packs, providing instant warmth for your hands and feet.
They are ideal for keeping your body warm when you’re out and about in cold weather.
Little Hotties® are air activated, so all you have to do is break the seal and shake it – it will start heating up straight away with maximum temperatures reached within 20 minutes.
Little Hotties® are small and portable, there’s no need to heat up a bulky hot water bottle or wheat bag. Easy to always keep some in your bowls bag, at home, in the car and your first aid kit.
Sold in pairs
Safe and ready to use
Air activated, fast heat
Lasts up to 10 hours
Made of natural materials including iron powder, water, salt, activated charcoal and wood fiber